Bobs, a blessing for the whole school
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“Bobs AUGTESTEIN is a special student in the school. He came to the high school in the year 2020; a special child who is physically challenged.He cannot write and cannot walk freely in the campus so he needs someone’s help to move around. His speech is also is not very clear. As no other high school could take him he was given a chance here.
We had few students in the school when we were in the other part of the village (Polkose) so the school took this as a challenge for the school’s direction and for the students.
His presence became a blessing for the whole school. The whole school became interested in his well-being. Teachers took lot of interest to educate him and writing the exams for him as he orally gave the answers.The students became so much interested in him accompanying him with his basic needs and feeding him milk and food. Through his presence the children learnt to help each other.
Seeing his condition Sr.Pyari talked to his mother and asked him to come to the therapy Centre. He comes daily for the therapy; we are beginning to see lot of changes in his movements. First thing we begin to notice is that he has stopped the uncontrollable drooling; his limbs are becoming flexible and easily moving around the campus. We are happy see to all these changes.We hope soon he become independent.
The mother feels that he has improved tremendously and feels happy that he is in a better place where his all-around needs are taken care of. She recognized the difference in him after coming to the school. But now he is able to act and respond to the events well. She is very grateful to the sisters for allowing her son to be in this institution.”
Echoes from Haiti june 21 june 21 photos
Congrégation Sœurs de St Joseph de l’Apparition
Centre St. Joseph, 18, Praville, Gonaïves