Tuna fish for 600 school children and 75 mothers
- Posted In : Haïti
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Sœurs de St. Joseph de l’Apparition
Dear Guillaume,
Greetings from all of us in Gonaives.
Sorry for the delay in sending you a report of the Tuna fish we received this year. We have received 3 palettes of Fish as it was allotted to us. There was no problem with the reception; it was received in good condition.
This year the Tuna is different and all our beneficiaries they liked the taste of it very much. The Haitians like things in deep colour too, this Tuna is preserved in tomato sauce which is dark red colour and they were delighted.
We are using the Tuna fish for our 600 school children and 75 mothers in the centers and the other teachers, working staff and helpers. This is a big help for us and good nourishing food for all. We would like to say a big thanks to the donors who have provided us this gift. We appreciate this gift and your good will towards all these children and mal – nourished mothers of Haiti.
We are using this fish in the school kitchen where the food is prepared for all the school children and the school staff. We are also using it in the Nutritional Centre kitchen where food is prepared for all the Mothers and other workers of the Centre.
I am sending you the photos of the school kitchen, photos of the Centre Kitchen and other photos of the place here.
I would like to say a big thank you to all of you our guardian angels who are so sensitive to all our needs and the situation here. I felt tremendous joy when you
called me to find out how we were, during Cyclone Irma and Ignacio kept sending messages to ask how we were. You have proved to be good and faithful guardian angels to us. We appreciate that.
The school has reopened on the 4th September and all is going on well. The milk programme is going on well too. Yesterday we had the meeting of the school parents and in spite of the rain during the day we were surprised to see 95% attendance of the parents for the meeting. One of the parent came up to say thanks for providing milk for the school children and how it helps the children coming from poor families who are not able to provide any food for the children before coming to school.
Thanks Guillaume and we appreciate all you do for us.
Sr. Renee Quadros SJA
Responsible for the Mission of SJA in Haiti.